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Welcome to the Canadian Association of Psychics & Healers
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I am Elizabeth Raver and have been a sensitive since childhood when I played with "imaginary friends". Not until my mid-twenties did I understand that I was a natural psychic-medium. I have been formally practicing and studying mediumship since 2007. This includes private and group sessions, message work for spiritualist churches, light trance speaking and healing, mentorship, tutoring, classes and workshops. I work with people from all over the U.S. and internationally online, phone, and in person, based on each individual’s needs/geographic location.
I work with my spirit team, which includes Dr. Randolph and Daisy my “joy guide”. This work with spirit brings me great joy and happiness. By helping others to connect with their own loved ones and guides in spirit, I help them to better understand that life continues after the change called death. This can bring a sense of solace and peace to those in need.
I am a retired Psychology/Mathematics professor with has a PhD in Psychology (General/Research Methods). Presently, I am a medium- participant in Yale Universities’ COPE Project. This research-project is studying “voice hearers”, i.e. psychic-mediums, in order to develop new treatments methods that do not heavily rely on chemical medications.
Organizational membership includes the American Association of Psychics and Healers, the Spiritualist’s National Union International (SNUi), and the Afterlife Research Education Discussion group. I have studied evidential and trance mediumship in America and England, and am Reiki II certified. In addition, I have demonstrated mediumship to university students in addition to other volunteer activities.
If you are in need of connecting with spirit, I would be honored to help you
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Brought To You By Rosemary The Celtic Lady
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